Thursday, August 28, 2008

Week 1 Phase 1

Week 1- 25-30 August 25e/Saturday long run:35e

Monday: 25e
Felt good. I really wanted to go faster, but reminding myself of the desired end result kept me at a comfee pace. I felt like a turtle. My body hurt, pregnancy had not been kind to my poor little body. Love that [kid though! (Who is helping me type this..) I did a good strech out afterwards. I think my right hip might be out. Ran Rancho short loop. Variation of Coach's loop

Took it easy today. A little sore, which I love. It makes me remember that i'm getting back into a shape that I like.... nice and fit. My hip really hurt today so I took it easy and walked instead of running.

Wednesday: 32e
Took a trip to the gym today and worked out on the eliptical machine, to help out my hip. It felt good. lots of sweat. 2.82 miles and burned 282.68 calories. So, 282 the magic number? Weird coincidence, but easy to remember since I forgot my pad of paper. The upside to going to the gym is that I can have a count out of distance and calories. The down-side is that I like to be outside. I wanted to do more, but again... end result. (not being an injury or my milk drying up). I spoke with the certified trainer manager today. He rarely takes clients since he is a manager and has all those resposibilities, but he wants to work with an athlete that is as serious about my sport as I am. So I'm starting to get personal training a few times a month to get a little extra help, and to keep me accountable and improve on my running.

Thursday: 25e
Another day to run. Hurts but pushing through. Need to get in shape. Motivation to fit back into my favorite jeans has kept me going. Ran in Rancho, right off of Fury, did the short loop. Variation of Coach's loop

Firday: 25e
run run run! Ran in Rancho, right off of Fury. did the short loop. felt good. Went slow, I have to keep reminding myself to go super slow to ease into it so I'm not hurting later on. AH! Its killing me! My mind still thinks that I can run like I did in college, my post-pregnancy body just laughs and says.. oh no you don't! so, its frustrating. I'll get there. and I'm excited and can't wait to race! A few more weeks and its race day. I realized that I haven't been to the chiropractor this week. My body is screamin'! Monday, monday! :) Variation of Coach's loop

Saturday: long run! 35e
I can't believe I call that a "long" run.. but it was 10 minutes longer than the other days this week. Ran on crappy trail. It really reminded me about old times. I miss those days. To top it off, it started to pour rain 4 minutes into the run ... I had a flash back to college when we were on a run and it was winter. The rain was pouring down and making the soft dirt muddy. We ran on happy trail, part of it was flooded, and we were sooo muddy! When it came to cross the little gully, it was swelling by the minute, and the other girls tried to cross without getting wet... then came me. um.. cannonball anyone? hehehe it was funny to watch them try to cross without getting wet, as if we weren't already SOAKED and MUDDY, so I helped them out . I remember that we got in so much trouble from coach when we got back to the campus. Aparently we had a gym workout right after.. opps. sorry coach! I love these long runs and can't wait until the long runs are 2 hours long. mmmmm I crave those days. On the run today it was so great to hear the rain poring through the trees. No cars. No traffic. It was peacefull and fabulous. I wish it would rain more often, muddy muddy runs are best!

Week 1 Recap:
Week Minutes: 142
# of Runs: 6
Avg. Runs: 23.67
Total Minutes last 4 weeks: 142
# of Runs last 4 weeks: 6
Avg. Run last 4 weeks: 23.67
effort level: 4
How my body feels: hurts, level 7. sore, which is expected and welcomed
Water intake: 1 gallon/day

The first month is going to be the hardest for me. I am comitted to my running, getting fit and back into racing shape. thank you coach for inspiration, and a little reminder of the sport I love.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

me. right here. right now.

This is me as of today.

My story is that I am a runner.

I ran in elementary school, middle school, high school and college. I haven't done very much competitive running after college because my life has taken me in other directions. I have, and always will, love running. It is the sport of a true Olympian- the original.

I recently gave birth to our son in march of this year and now am eager to shed those extra lbs and compete once again. I thought that taking a picture of me once a month was going to be a good thing so I could track my progress.. well, once my sister took the photos of me and I saw them, I was less than enthusiastic about it. She kept saying, "this is so mean.. it's like torturing a small child!" In a way, I agree. It does give me ample motivation not to keep at this weight! I am a little embarrassed to have this picture on here.. I did keep the rest of them on the computer. So here's to weight loss and getting back into racing shape...Well, here we go.

My dream has always been to be an Olympian. It still is my dream. Although running is one of my favorite things to do, my family will always come first. We have been waiting for a family and now we're getting there. No telling how many children we'll have, but both of us love big families, so we'll see. I plan to train in between children and continue to keep up my base as long as I can while I am pregnant. I know this is a big goal, but can be done. There is an Olympic runner who won a Marathon just 9 short months after giving birth. I doubt I'd be that crazy, well-almost. I want to take things very slow, be healthy and enjoy my time working back to what I once was.. then crushing my times! Thanks coach for the guidance..and as always, your patience :)

This will be a journey through my training, racing and running life. I'm so excited to get back to what I love.

Lets Look at Weight loss

Starting Weight: 140lbs
Goal weight: 115lbs
[Weight to loose: 25lbs]

By the end of the 19 weeks of phase 1 I will be at my target weight and be in good running shape.

Phase 1
Week 1- 140lbs Hips-39.5 Waist- 34.5 Bust-36.5
Week 2- 138lbs Hips-39.5 Waist- 34.5 Bust-36.5
Week 3- 138lbs Hips-39.5 Waist- 33.5 Bust-36.5
Week 4- 136lbs Hips-39.5 Waist- 33.5 Bust-36.5
Week 5- 137lbs Hips- 39.5 Waist- 33.0 Bust-36.5
Week 6- lbs Hips- Waist- Bust-
Week 7- lbs Hips- Waist- Bust-
Week 8- lbs Hips- Waist- Bust-
Week 9- lbs Hips- Waist- Bust-
Week 10- lbs Hips- Waist- Bust-
Week 11- lbs Hips- Waist- Bust-
Week 12- lbs Hips- Waist- Bust-
Week 13- lbs Hips- Waist- Bust-
Week 14- lbs Hips- Waist- Bust-
Week 15- lbs Hips- Waist- Bust-
Week 16- lbs Hips- Waist- Bust-
Week 17- lbs Hips- Waist- Bust-
Week 18- lbs Hips- Waist- Bust-
Week 19- lbs Hips- Waist- Bust-

Monday, August 25, 2008


I LOVE to run. Most people ask me why? It is a sport which bores most people and intimidates the rest.
I've always been in motion, ever since I can remember and as a kid loved to hear stories of how active I was. To this day, I can't stand to sit still or be bored. Running has been my outlet through the years to release frustration and also to think.
Running is a lonely sport, or so I've heard. But I find that I can come closer to my Father in Heaven by exercising and meditating. There is so much symbolism in running ; the path we run on, those with whom we run with, the length and difficulty of the run, the choices we make along the path, and so many more.
Enduring to the end.
Those final meters in the race, when you just feel like dying and giving up, can be so much more rewarding if we but endure.
My life has closely paralleled running. With the many steep hills, sweeping green slopes, dust in the lungs, mud in the shoes, and many joyous victories. I have enjoyed the good with the bad. And there were many bad. And so many more good. My companions along the way have changed, I have loved and treasured each one for different reasons, for who they are and what they have taught me.
As I enter this new chapter in my book of running I am eager to get out and run again, to feel the thrill of the hunt and the strategy of the game.