Sunday, August 30, 2009

not in a while

HOLY GUACAMOLE!! I really have not been blogging in for-ev-er! So i'm down to 138lbs and counting :) My son weened himself a month ago so now its time to workout and get it done! my weight has gone back and forth between 138 and 139 for the past few months. I really wish I could just drop those LB's. I'm thinking that I need to get to the gym more. The weather has been over 100 so its been difficult to be motivated to get my butt in gear and get it done. My goal is to loose another 8 lbs this month so we'll see how it goes! I've never really had to loose weight so this is a new thing to me. I'm looking forward to fitting back into my clothes - nice way to expand a wardrobe!