Friday, October 24, 2008

Break Time

I've had a few problems with my breathing and also with nursing our son. Since my health and my family come first -I've had to take time off. This really upsets me because I was looking forward to talking to my contacts again soon and see if I couldn't get back to what I was doing with my runng. Might be until the end of this month. Looks like I'll see how things are at the end of next week. No race this month. I'm still trying to find the balance between getting back in shape [and fitting back into my clothes] and keeping up nursing our son for as long as he needs. Its been a hard balance for me, however, Cameron and my family have been great support :)
[I'll figure it out sooner or later.. hopefully sooner.]
btw- I still weigh 137lbs. no weight loss, but no weight gain!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Week 8 Phase 1

Lack of sleep and the fact that its WAY to cold.. It snowed this weekend..... I'm gonna stick to walking briskly as we shop and we did go for a walk. have no clue what the total time was. Does running after the boys count as excersice? leaving today for home.

I'm still coughing up stuff. but it's getting better. I feel good and going to go for a jog today if I can. Weigh in is on Thursday this week. [that'll also give me a chance to get a few of those extra calories off that I added while in Utah!]

wed-sat. gosh! being sick isn't fun. its been 2 weeks and I still have a bad cough and shortness of breath when I run. I'll be getting back on my feet next wee. going to the gym with some friends next week, so that should help.. and oh, weighed myself this week.. STILL 137. atleast i Haven't gained any back. and my clothes are fitting better... maybe things are just shifting right now and I'll drop the rest later... we'll see :)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Week 7 Phase 1

Monday: Gym day
I'm still kinda sick..I think the hacking and coughing up icky colored phlegm might be an indication of that. I figure I'll go to the gym today [and get everyone else sick. haha.] and have a small workout. maybe the elliptical is calling my name.. maybe. Or just shoot hoops. So I'm meeting my sister at the gym in 11 minutes.. gotta run....

Nope, no workout or run... still coughing up a lung.

Thought I'd give it a go today so jogged for 30 minutes. not that great, but a little something.

nada. packed up the car and the kid and the three of us are off to Utah! We'll be back on Tuesday-ish :)

Friday- 30e
Went for a run/jog in HIGH ALTITUDE!! I swear my lungs were going to explode! Took it easy so I didn't die! Went to the Legacy Center with Jackie, Lisa and Marie- they have an indoor track there and a few weight machines. It was a lot of fun! Maybe do it again while we are here!

SO BLASTED COLD!!!! Went to go for a run, not all that prepared to run in 35f and altitude! soooooo........ we went shopping instead.. I did a lot of walking today and up and down stairs, I think that counts for something.. I am in 5 or 6,000 altitude. Dancing tonight!!! That'll be a workout all in its own!